Andrew White - Unseen Works 2012 - 2014
The misfits, extras, new, old, and anything else fit for eyes from the past two years of pointing glass and metal at moving targets.
24 Sep 2014
of 27
Photos and words by Andrew White
Print being the fickle fucker it is, images have the ability to fall through the cracks quite easily. In a normal world-and one which existed in the near past- a stockpile of photos from a trip would get efficiently divvied between editorial and advertising use with little leftover. And with the one-off photos that get shot either at home or with riders jumping on board a trip who aren’t included in the article, the opportunity to acquire a misfit photo is even greater. With the constant flux of pages printed and companies running and pulling adverts, a couple years ago my cache of available photos began to swing out of balance and never quite recovered.
A great benefit of the web is that it can cater to such a dilemma. What wouldn’t find a home in print now can easily be curated into a gallery.
Earlier this year, I began to make selects on what I wanted to show. It was at this time that we regained DIG and left print behind, and decided to not only do a brand new site, but to build it from the ground up which would take considerably longer than a generic turn-key. My images would have to wait a few more months. Given that some at the time were nearly two years old, waiting a bit longer wasn’t so much an issue. A true irony that photos would have to wait even longer for a digital publishing.
The following photos are no longer wanted living on my desktop.
Catty / Posh Labor Day Weekend Trail Jam Photo Gallery
Talk about a trail rider’s dream...
2014 New England Jam Chowda Gallery
Last Blast For East Coast's Version Of Texas Toast.
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