CRÜ // 'AS & WHEN'
Bristol, UK
31 Aug 2021
Filmed by Duffy and Harry Mills-Wakley
We've got a really sick one for you today from CRÜ and the Bristol, UK scene. 25 minutes of the good stuff via Emerson Morgan (Animal / FIT / Crucial / Etnies), Yog, Tom Dom Hill, Milham, Chez, Scott, Nik, Sam Cunningham, Ash Jenkins (Crucial), Dyl, Barry Peach, Mark, Joe Tricker (Crucial), Stiv, Mikey Suttle, Duffy, Bill Cooper, Joeri Veul (Wethepeople / Etnies), Cadle, Edge, Hayden (Crucial), Edge, Kurt, Maher, Chef, Dave Watt, Taz and Harry Mills-Wakley (United / Animal / Etnies / Crucial).
"18 months on from the start of Covid-19 restrictions here in the UK, it’s easy to forget that at that point everyone thought the world was going to end…
Through all the snow, rain, hail storms, occasional sunny days, restrictions, isolations, solo and group missions, the crew here in Bristol kept the motivation high getting out as and when the conditions permitted. At some point in everything that happened over the past year we managed to pull together this video of the scene and keep ourselves busy whilst unable to travel.
All thanks goes to the Bristol scene, I hope the video goes some of the way to representing how incredible this scene is down here. Thanks for having each-others backs over the past year, it’s been a bit wild…
Huge thanks to Harry, Dom, Emerson, Chef, CrucialBMX, Jake Ellis and the entire Bristol scene for everything they do." - DUFFY
Paterico Fallico - RAW CUT
You Gotta Earn Those Clips
SOURCE BEST TRICK - Official BOH Live Stream Trailer
Saturday - 11 September - 05:45pm UK
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