DIG LOCALS - Wheelies Man
Traveling through space and finding the BMX
28 Oct 2020
Video edit by Wheelies Man Filmed by the Homies, Song by Psykiks Volts
The odd thing about owning a bmx shop, is you usually don't get to ride that much. But that was one thing this year that was different for the co-owner of La Cribs Bike Shop the Wheelies Man himself. Operating on shorter hours gave him way more freedom to find and film spots real close to the shop. He also did all the intro himself!
"So here it is! A new Wheelies Man video part. Being co-owner of La Cribs bicycle shop for 8 years, means it is not always easy to ride during the summer season because it is an excessively busy period. However it was a special season with the covid situation, we had a tight schedule. With the shorter hours at the shop it gave me a lot of personal time that I invested in my bmx. Over 80% of the spots are bicycle distance from the Cribs shop. Also, an interesting fact, is that it took me 2 years to think about how it would be possible to ride the module in my last clip. Until I got the idea that I was in Quebec and the snow could help me! For the special introduction, I have done everything : Original music with stylophone, voice sound, puppet and canvas painting. For the video I self filmed the majority of the clips and did all of the editing. Thanks to Arnaud P. Paquin, Vlad P. , Gaby L. and Sabrina QB for the extra filming. Finally Huge thanks to Vick from Psykiks Volts band to let me use this bad ass song! Enjoy!" - Wheelies Man
Clément Carpentier : FOUNDATION 2020
Filmed in Seoul, Barcelona, Paris and Le Havre
BSD - Rory Mclean - Saughton
Slides not grinds
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