Photoelectric Diffuse Sensor using S8119

  • Rajkumar Sharma
  • easy
  • Tested
  • SKU: EL70297
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This is an industrial grade diffuse photoelectric sensor module which is based on Optical IC S8119 from HAMAMATSU. A diffuse reflection sensor is used for the direct detection of an object. The diffuse reflective sensor project consists of an Infra-RED LED and receiver. The IC also provides output pulses to the IR LED which emits IR- light which is reflected by the object to be detected and seen by the S8119 IC. Both the emitter LED and receiver sensor are placed on same PCB and are configured for light to be reflected back to the sensor. The diffuse reflective type senses an object when the light beam is reflected back to the sensor. The circuit provides sensing range up to 50MM however range can be increased by placing the sensor in metal housing shield, proper optics and IR filter. Circuit work with 5V DC., Trimmer potentiometer PR1  provided to set the sensitivity, Normally sensor output is High , its goes low once its detect an object, also D2 LED indicates the object. This board can be used as standalone sensor or as Arduino Nano shield, output of the sensor is connected to the Digital pin D4 of the Arduino Nano, with help of this shield many Reflective sensor based projects are possible. PCB Jumper J1, J2 can be left open/untouched for normal operations, refer data sheet of the IC for J1 and J2.

Note : Sensitivity of the IC is the reciprocal of background light level, which is constantly detected as signal by IC, If the background disturbance light strikes a part on the package of IC, this may lower the allowable background light level. Use light-impervious tape or metal shielding over the shaded area of the IC.


  • Supply 5V DC
  • Output Normally High TTL, Goes Low When object detected
  • Trimmer Potentiometer PR1 Sensitivity Adjust
  • Output of the Sensor Connected to Digital Pin D4 of the Arduino Nano
  • Use Shield/Isolation between IC and IR LED


Parts List



Diffuse Sensor Based LED Driver = 1A LED Shield + Diffuse Sensor Shield + Arduino Nano

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cagla uzun


I am using S8119 in my sensor project and I am using this circuit Circuit does not work. When I measure the 10th pin I see it’s 0.5V so IR LED is not energized and system does not work. I couldn’t understand. I faced the same situation when I energized only the IC. Could you help me about this problem?