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voltage control

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I want to build an electronic circuit to convert an NTC 10 kiloohm (B=3950) signal into an output voltage that can supply 2-3 amps. The output voltage should correspond to the measured temperature (4V at 25°C to 12V at 50°C), i.e. have a range of 4V to 12V DC. Is this typically done with a buck/boost converter and a coil and capacitor? Or is there a ready-made chip that I can use to achieve a maximum output voltage of 12V DC? The power supply comes from a PC power supply (12V DC). The purpose of the circuit is to control the speed of one or more DC fans using a changing operating voltage at the fan, without using PWM. To linearize the NTC and process the voltage, I was thinking of using a TLV9002 from TI. Can anyone help me with the rest of the circuit? No programming, no software, no Arduino, no PLSOC, just more or less classical built up with only a few compenents.  Is that possible?

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Here is a circuit that may work for you.  I have a 10k thermistor and a MJE3055. I could try it on a breadboard if you like; converting it to 12v.



Edited by HarryA
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