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arduino atmega 328p on breadboard


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Hi, Can't get this project to work. Not uploading. I am using atmega328p mcu ic with arduino uno bootloader from jaycar. cat zz8727. Using uno com3. What is the programmer? Tried 

avr isp, avrisp mkll, arduino isp, arduino as isp. None of these work to upload my program. Can anyone help?

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Are you using the information from Jaycar site? There is lot of information on their web site in   Specifications and Articles.


The manual is here: https://www.jaycar.com.au/medias/sys_master/images/images/9794372567070/ZZ8727-manualMain.pdf

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Hi Harry, I have already looked into all those references. I think I must have the wrong port. I have seen one reference where burning the bootloader you use a com 18 port. I don't have to burn a bootloader as the atmega 328p already has a uno bootloader preinstalled.When you pick the programmer you always seem to get a com port that goes with it. Perhaps I should be looking for the programmer with a com 18 port?

I have also seen a reference where you take out the MCU from the uno board and replace it with the MCU you want to program. The idea of this is that then you can use the USB to serial converter on the uno board. But in the project from electronics lab you have a converter so you don't have to do that. And another problem is in removing MCUs with so many pins as it is so easy to bend the pins. Please let the author of the project give more details. He makes no mention of the program to use.


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3 hours ago, petercl14 said:

Hi Harry, I have already looked into all those references. I think I must have the wrong port. I have seen one reference where burning the bootloader you use a com 18 port. I don't have to burn a bootloader as the atmega 328p already has a uno bootloader preinstalled.When you pick the programmer you always seem to get a com port that goes with it. Perhaps I should be looking for the programmer with a com 18 port?

I have also seen a reference where you take out the MCU from the uno board and replace it with the MCU you want to program. The idea of this is that then you can use the USB to serial converter on the uno board. But in the project from electronics lab you have a converter so you don't have to do that. And another problem is in removing MCUs with so many pins as it is so easy to bend the pins. Please let the author of the project give more details. He makes no mention of the program to use.


Hi Harry, Problem fixed.  The usb to serial device I received had a switch which wasn't on the device shown in the project. Also had a dtr pin not on the project. This meant data received. I connected it the same as the rts pin in the project with the capacitor connected to reset pin on MCU. No problem with this. The problem was the switch apparently as this was set to 3.3v. When I connected to 5v and used uno as the program, the download worked. Now will be able to use jaycars zz8727 in many projects.  Thanks for your interest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good to know that it is working. I always used to bootload Atmega328P with a full fledged Arduino UNO board. Then I added the necessary crystal oscillator, capacitors and resistors along with the chip to the breadboard. Finally, I connected an FTDI module to upload code to the Atmega328P from my laptop. 

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