LUXBMX Aeterna - Cody Pollard & Wilton Hedley
Smiles All Round
18 Mar 2020
Filmed and edited by Mike Vockenson
More from the awesome LUX Aeterna video, this time with super stoked duo Cody Pollard and Wilton Hedley. The last minute of this gets extra burly! Catch more Aeterna parts below in our 'related content' section.
"Cody has been blasting bowls ever since his early BMX days in North QLD, with a strong, aggressive style, masked with a huge grin, Pollard never looks like he’s having a bad time on his bike. In between a full-time job and searching the globe for bowls with the Fast and Loose Crew, Cody teamed up with long time friend and teammate Wilton Hedley along with resident filmer/rider Mike Vokenson. Together the three curated something that incorporated their friendship, the good times and big airs. Working hard for 3 years, taking some big falls and airing higher than everyone else Cody Pollard and Wilton Headly came through with a truly entraining watch from start to finish." - LUX BMX
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