Meet The Crew - Vans 'Tribes' Barcelona
"A good crew with a good vibes"
Photos by Alex Valentino | Vans
BMX thrives off progression, and the current flow of up and coming riders is truly mind-blowing. Aware of this, Vans have been a pillar of support to so many riders out there, including their latest program with new European riders. They decided it was time to give them some shine, so they sent a crew consisting of Linda Grabner, Jo Gass, Thibaut Srinarong, Janosch Klaus and Tom Deville out to Barcelona to film for this new video, 'Tribes'. The results speak for themselves! We caught up with the crew to find out how they found their new experience.
Linda Grabner
Age: 21 | Sponsors: Vans Europe, WeThePeople and Fourpegsbmx

How long have you been riding?
I started when I was 18. So I have been riding for 3.5 years now.
Was this your first time in BCN?
It wasn’t my first time in Barca, but it was the first time that I was there with my bike.
Tell us what you already knew about the rest of the crew.
I already knew Janosch (Klaus) pretty well from the year I lived in Switzerland. All the other guys I met on the trip for the first time. But I knew some of them from "No Future". I was excited to meet everyone!
Which riders influenced you when you were just getting into BMX?
When I started riding I had no clue about BMX so most of the time I was riding fly-outs and had no idea what I was doing. After a month or so I met all the guys from Zürich. Watching them ride, they really got me hyped on street riding! So I put some pegs on.
Who are you stoked on in BMX right now?
There are a lot of riders who put out great video parts which get me stoked on BMX! Also now seeing that more and more girls start to ride street, hitting rails and just pushing the level of women's BMX gets me hyped and excited to see where the girls are in 5 years in street riding. But I think the biggest influence on me has Felix Prangenberg. Getting to know him over the last few months and seeing how much work he puts in makes me wanna ride my bike and push myself more.
How does it feel to be featured in an official Vans video?
Pretty unreal! It is such an honor that I was allowed to go on that trip with all these amazing people and be a part of the video! I am really thankful for that.
How was it being with a seasoned veteran like Alex Valentino? Did you feel nervous going into it?
I was pretty excited to meet Alex in person. He has done so much incredible work in BMX so it is a big honor to be on a trip with him to film a video! It was amazing to see him ride and get to know him.
How did you feel being the only female rider on the trip? Tell us about the experience from your perspective.
I am used to being the only girl on trips with my friends or at the skatepark so it wasn’t something new to me. But it was my first trip in generell so I was kinda nervous. But not for long because all the guys were super nice and made me feel welcome on the trip. They cooked some good food and took amazing care of me after I injured my knee and couldn’t really walk anymore. The whole trip was amazing! I like it when I am just part of the group and don’t get any extra treatment because I am a girl.
Thanks to the guys for making some cool memories!
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Honestly I don’t really know! But definitely still having fun on my bike!
Janosch Serafin Klaus
Age: 20 | Sponsors: Stranger Co, Primo, SkatePro, Vans

How long have you been riding?
Since I'm a kid haha. Always had mad love for bikes and then got my first BMX when I was 11 Years old.
Was this your first time in BCN?
No, the first time I was there with my homies when we were 16.
Tell us what you already knew about the rest of the crew.
All Geez, i knew we was gonna be chillin! Sucks that Zeno couldn't come to Barcy because of his heel…
Which riders influenced you when you were just getting into BMX?
Suizzy Locals, Devon Smilie , Julian Arteaga.
Who are you stoked on in BMX right now?
Joram Van Dijk, Basil Roos, Lui Fresko, Stephan August.
How does it feel to be featured in an official Vans video?
Haha I don't know, "official" I guess, and cool :).
How was it being with a seasoned veteran like Alex Valentino? Did you feel nervous going in to it?
He is a nice guy, so it was normal to film and cozy to hang out.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Biking with 22CRU 4L.

"That was not my first trip in BCN, but it's been the best one for sure."
- Jo Gass
Tom Deville
Age: 24 years | Sponsors: Marie Jade, United Bike Co, Vans Europe

How long have you been riding?
Since I was 12 years old.
Was this your first time in BCN?
No, I’ve already been in BCN maybe 3 or 4 times. I liked it.
Tell us what you already knew about the rest of the crew.
I’ve already met Jo Gass 2 weeks before the trip and I met Linda, Thibaut and Janosh on the trip; I didn’t know them from before. They are a good people, it’s a nice crew!
Which riders influenced you when you were just getting into BMX?
When I just getting into BMX I was influenced by Joris Coulomb, Simone Barraco and Sean Sexton.
Who are you stoked on in BMX right now?
Right now it’s Alex V. Respect!
How does it feel to be featured in an official Vans video?
I’m really happy - it’s a great opportunity and a good experience.
How was it being with a seasoned veteran like Alex Valentino? Did you feel nervous going in to it?
It’s always a pleasure to filming with Alex V. I've know him for 8 years or so. At first I was stressed but now it’s really cool... and no stress. He's a great person and really patient. He takes care of his riders! (And Arnaud Wolff as well of course).
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years I see myself at the top of the Kanchenjunga. Peace.
Jonathan Gass
Age: 26 | Sponsors: United Bike Co, Animal, Marie Jade, Ce.mess, Slidebox, Vans

How long have you been riding?
I’m riding since I was 12 years old but I really started to ride BMX 8 years ago! I used to ride motocross before.
Was this your first time in BCN?
That was not my first trip in BCN, but it's been the best one for sure.
Tell us about the crew.
The crew is so cool dude. I’m sure we’re gonna have even more fun in the future.
Which riders influenced you when you were just getting into BMX?
Stefan Lantschner and Tom White influenced me a lot when I started to ride
Who are you stoked on in BMX right now?
I’m stoked about our crew bro. Everybody just brings something new and their own style.
How does it feel to be featured in an official Vans video?
I never expected that in my life, haha. Feels so good.
How was it being with a seasoned veteran like Alex Valentino? Did you feel nervous going in to it?
Its always so easy with Alex because he’s a super chill dude and you never feel pressure with him. It's really enjoyable to spend time with him.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Still in the street doing what I love with good people. I don’t need more bro! Thank you BMX.
Thibaut Srinarong
Age: 20 | Sponsors: Bros Bike Store, Vans Europe, Shadow/Subrosa via Sparkys France.

How long have you been riding?
I’ve been riding for 7 years after few years of BMX racing.
Was this your first time in BCN?
Yes! It was the first time - so happy to finally ridden these legendary spots.
Tell us what you already knew about the rest of the crew.
I already know most of the crew, thanks to their video project like Marie Jade or 22 Cru but I met most of the guys for the first time in BCN. A good crew with a good vibes
Which riders influenced you when you were just getting into BMX?
I was inspired by Alex Kennedy, Anthony Perrin, Mike Curley, Devon Smilie… and others surely! I like their technical riding.
Who are you stoked on in BMX right now?
Now I can’t give a name but, i like to watch some creative riders and different styles of riding.
How does it feel to be featured in an official Vans video?
It’s unreal, I never thought be featured in a Vans video - it’s like a dream! On the plane to BCN it hit me that I was being flown there just to ride BMX!
How was it being with a seasoned veteran like Alex Valentino? Did you feel nervous going in to it?
I met Alex for the first time in Lyon, just before BCN, and it’s fun to be on trip with him. When I started BMX, my older friends showed me his videos. So yes, a little bit nervous (to not be good), but Alex is a nice guy, so no stress.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I don’t like to talk about the future, so I don’t know. Probably on a bike - free I hope - without stress. Just have fun and be good

L-R: Linda, Thibaut, Jo and Tom.
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