Photo Journal: Devon Smillie & Larry Edgar In The UK
For the Fly Bikes' 'Destination London' Video
Photos by Fred Murray and Toby Goodyear
They say good things come to those who wait... but people say a lot of things. All I know is that this trip was epic enough in the organisation alone, be it last minute rider changes due to visa issues, schedules clashing, one burst appendixs and the good old British summer having its way. With everything behind us as we hit the road it was a pleasure to spend a week with Fly Bikes' Devon Smillie and Larry Edgar, including the constant spree of coffee fuelled jive from Larry. It's not often you go on a roadtrip with two riders from very different styles of BMX but it couldn't have gone any better, and needless to say despite both guys having extremely honed skills in their own fields, their ability to ride anything is a damn beautiful thing to see! I was pretty busy filming for an episode of 'In The Cut' but between myself and Tonash (Toby Goodyear) we thought these photos would be worth a look. Enjoy.

These two are a couple of big kids, but who the hell could resist this?!

The shit talking levels between Larry and everyone else was sky high and it couldn't have been funnier. Dude can give it out and take it in equal amounts. Cheers for the laughs mate!

Devon Smillie always brings that creme fraiche! Uprail hard 180 groundchuck before we had to dip out to the airport.
"... their ability to ride anything is a damn beautiful thing to see!"

Devon rolling up to a super tech flat rail line in Bristol while the wind blew at 100mph. Persistence pays off!

Street dawg! Uprail to whip from the American dream.
Yes, that is a real spot...
Some rare golden sun.

When I realised I was going to get the opportunity to shoot photos with Larry Edgar in the UK I knew I wanted exactly this shot. Larry has some ridiculous ability when it comes to boosting a quarter. Dean Lane in Bristol and it's occupants didn't know what hit it that day!
"When I realised I was going to get the opportunity to shoot photos with Larry Edgar in the UK I knew I wanted exactly this shot."

Another day, another hotel car park.

Larry is a transition jedi but that doesn't mean he can't hit the streets with the best of them. Big ol' 180 no hander gap.

Tonash has an enormous mental spot map when it comes to London and its various brick layered estates. Devon of course made the most!
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