So Florida - Kent Pearson - Profile
New series, sick spots...
15 Mar 2022
In conjunction with our Official DIG partners: Profile
Profile's "So Florida..." Episode One with Kent Pearson.
For the winter of 2022, Profile had three of their riders visit Tampa Bay at different times over three, separate, long weekends. The idea was to take each of them to overlapping spots, where, considering their complete differences in style, each would offer their own unique perspective/interpretation.
The "So Florida" series includes Kent Pearson, Mark Mulville, and RattyMaty. Episode One: Kent Pearson (with clips of Mase Pearson). Thanks to Scott Bentley, Ryan Clements, Alan Shirley, and Alex Lepak for spot hospitality. Thanks to New Granada Records for music clearance: "Truth Is" by The Sky Drops - Profile
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