Trey Jones - Setups
Tearing up that backyard!
23 Feb 2016
Filmed and edited by Stew Johnson
Cult's Trey Jones is always doing his own thing and we've always been big fans of that. The same comes for his bike setup as this thing isn't your average looking whip. We got our man Stew Johnson over to Florida to catch some footage of Trey tearing it up at home on that super fun looking ramp setup in his backyard. Cue the hair metal tunes!
Cult Crew Trey Jones Stone Cold Frame
Cult Trey Jones Stone Cold Bars
Shadow Stem, Forks, Tires, Rims
Shadow Trey Jones Killer Cranks
Trey Jones is supported by official DIG partners: Cult Crew | Dans Comp
Darryl Tocco and Jake Petruchik - Kink Intervention
Masterful spot use
Ed Zunda AWAKE Frame Promo
Technical street killer
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